Top 10 Tips with Defacto Bar Coding


Best Warehouse Efficiency - Top 10 Tips with DefCapture Bar Coding 

Speedy Goods Inwards

DefCapture allows the Goods Inwards task for a purchase orders to be split between multiple warehouse workers and even Sage menu options concurrently.  For example, for large incoming loads, several warehouse workers can be unloading and docking goods at the same time against the same PO while non-stock items can be booked on the Sage menu system as services.  All in real-time and in parallel.


Speed-up Put-Away

Put-Away can also be tackled by multiple warehouse worker at the same time.  Moreover DefCapture can be configured with rules to guide the Put-away to Pick Face, Semi-Bulk and Bulk locations depending on the product and quantity being received and the status of the locations.  Guidance can also include the “Empty/Free Locations” locator function.  Custom rules can be added by either Defacto consultants or the local IT team.  Cross-docking also becomes possible as the Put-Away rules can take into account urgent works order or shipping requirements and current stock levels.


Flexible Replenishment

Allied to the Put-Away and Cross Docking Features, DefCapture offers:


Multiple Picking and Packing Options

DefCapture supports many different picking strategies.   These can be mixed and even combined.   Features include:

For more details, see DefCapture Picking Options.


Lorry Load Confirmation

DefCapture can record lorry load status by scanning pallets onto the vehicles or as a work flow step for individual packages.


Carrier Interfaces

Interfaces to to carrier management tools including MetaPack and Datel’s Courier Connect are built into DefCapture.  This allows consignments to be created on the target carriers such as FedEx and UPS and data to be exchanged electronically and carrier consignment labels being printed as the despatch and packing is confirmed.


Sales Order Processing and Picking Console

Sales Order Status is extended from basic Sage options to include:


Data is also available for number of lines picked so far and percentage order picking completed.    These measurement can be integrated with your existing Business Intelligence tool. 


Picker/Packer performance data is also available which means DefCapture management information can be produced to enable optimization of walk-sequences, warehouse tackling the storage location allocation problem (SLAP).   Defacto has an add-on product called DefCaptureWHAM which focusses on advanced WareHouse Analytics and Measurement and optimization and is being extended and developed all the time.


Load Planning

DefCapture offers a useful tool which provides filtering and selection of eligible sales orders to combine into a single Pick List.   The grouping facility can help integrate with route planning software to produce picking lists for efficient delivery journeys.

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